Manufacturer: MTL Instruments
Product No. : MTL7796-
Product type : Zener Barriers
Analogue inputs (high level)
2-wire transmitters, 4/20mA, conventional and smart
The recommended barrier for use with 'conventional' and 'smart' 4/20mA transmitters (fed by a 26V regulated supply) is the MTL7787+.
This provides up to 12.9V (14.6V for MTL7787P+) at Vwkg and 20mA for a transmitter and its lines as well as 5V for the typical 250O load.
This application and this barrier is suitable for use with the optional power bus facility.
The MTL7706+ is recommended for applications where an unregulated supply of up to 35V is used. It provides 16.0V for conventional and smart transmitters at 20mA, as well as 5V for a typical 250O load.
With the MTL7706+ terminal 3 is negative with respect to earth, so the connections to terminals 3 and 4 should be reversed.
Vibration probes
The 3-wire transmitters used with vibration monitoring equipment are invariably supplied by a –24V dc power supply – hence the recommended barrier choice is the negatively-polarised MTL7796–.